
Thirsty Thursdays: Quench Your Thirst at the Source

Posted : Oct-20-2024

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The desire of every human heart is for communion. And as we strive to fulfill this desire, often we are found wanting, until we go to the source: Jesus.

With this in mind, in 2014, the Sisters of Life began The Source: a monthly adoration night, inviting people from across the Archdiocese of Toronto to come together in prayer and for a social to meet others seeking to live the Christian walk. What started as a small event, has grown over the past decade to welcome close to 150 people each month at St. Peter’s Parish in downtown Toronto. The hour of adoration from 7 to 8 p.m. has a simple format designed to open the way for an encounter with the Living God. The evening features prayerful music, periods of silence and opportunities for confession. It concludes with a one-hour social from 8 to 9 p.m.

In time, the Sisters noticed that the event had a particular draw for young adults from downtown Toronto. Given the close proximity of the Office of Catholic Youth (OCY), located next to St. Peter’s Parish, the Sisters of Life have teamed up with OCY to continue offering the Source as a time for people of all ages to come together in worship. Music will be led by musicians from around the diocese, beginning with Liveloud, who recently played at World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal.

The dates for upcoming Source Holy Hours are:

October 24 | November 21 | January 23 | February 20 | March 20 | April 10 | May 15

The event is held from 7 to 9 p.m. at St. Peter's Catholic Church - 840 Bathurst St., Toronto (near the Bathurst subway station). For more information, visit:
